November 9, 2006
Grand Canyon, AZ
We chose the South Rim which is the most popular with tourists.
Ravens are the popular birds at the Canyon.
There is no possible way to grasp how enormous the Grand Canyon is in one or more pictures.
The natural wonders of the Southwest in the United States are some of the most beautiful sights that we have ever seen. It almost feels like we went to another planet as we drive down the roads and see these amazing vistas. It is just so unique unto itself.
November 9-12, 2006
Sedona, AZ
A beautiful sight as we drove from the Grand Canyon to Sedona is Mt. Humphrey 12,633 ft. tall.
After viewing the Grand Canyon we immediately drove South to Sedona. Sedona is known famously for its intense red rock mountains that surround it and entwine through it.
Famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, designed Holy Cross chapel. He is known for creating designs that blend into their natural surroundings.
View from walkway of chapel.
Maybe we'll buy this house?
LOOK the Vortex pulled the moon on top of Christine's finger!!!
It was nice to find the Holy Cross Chapel in the midst of all the mysticism in Sedona. People come here looking to experience something at "The Vortex", or they want to buy some special crystals. People searching and searching to fill the void in their life that we know can only be answered by asking Jesus Christ to fill that void. That is why Holy Cross Chapel was a breath of fresh air. It attracted every type of tourist because Frank Lloyd Wright designed it, but also offers an incredible Christian gift shop that is such a dynamic witness with what it offers to salvation through Jesus Christ. I never thought I would say this about a store, but when surrounded by a majority of New Age beliefs it really is the light on the hill.
As we were posing for this picture below another couple was looking on. After we took the shot they asked us if we were feeling it? Feeling what, we asked? The vibrations from the Vortex! Isn't that why you had your finger in the air?
During the few days that we spent in Sedona we spent a lot of time mountain biking on the trails through the Red Rock mountains.
Trace made some special friends along the way.
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November 12-15, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Here we are the infamous Las Vegas. Even though we are not big gamblers we had to make a stop to see what all the fuss was about.
Of course we are looking for the cheap but not sleaze stay in Vegas. We found that at the El Cortez. Now the El Cortez gave us our fun little coupon book that gave us several $5 coupons for different kinds of gambling games. Of course we lost. I knew the Lord was not about to let us win by gambling. He is our source. See Christine's Thoughts for more in depth.
We did enjoy ourselves of course. We always enjoy our time together anywhere we are. But Las Vegas is not at all the city for us to spend time in. We actually couldn't wait to leave. All the lights where very pretty, but It just wasn't our thing.
On our way to Las Vegas we went over the Hoover Dam. I actually thought it was going to be bigger.
Many famous cities were the themes of the huge beyond belief hotels and casinos.
Trace got somewhat of a racing fix.
The Bellagio is the essence of opulence. There are actually fountains in the many pools.
This is the famous water spectacular at the Bellagio that is choreographed to music.
One must admit that the lights in the sky are the prettiest of all the lights in Las Vegas.
November 15-Now, 2006
Los Angeles & San Diego, CA
We arrived in Los Angeles at my friend Brenda's apartment on November 15th. We met Brenda at here work office on the CBS Lot, and the first person we run into is Jim Belushi. Brenda had worked with him on a shoot in Albania 10 years ago.
Brenda is one of my very good friends from TV/Film school at Regent University. She has lived in Los Angeles for 10 years. She is now the director of Intermission, a non-profit organization that is an encouragement to Christians working in the entertainment industry. is the site to find out more.
It was nice to be settled for a little while. We stayed with Brenda for about 5 nights. We spent most of our time during the day at Panera Bread because they had hi-speed WiFi connection, and we were looking for somewhere to stay for a month.
That Friday night we went to a screening of that crazy movie Borat. DON'T SEE IT! Your mind and eyes will never be the same again. The envelope was extremely stretched with this one.
On Monday, November 20th we left for San Diego to check out what it is like there. We stayed in La Jolla near the ocean. Here we saw people surfing; visited "Children's Beach" wich has seals; and in San Diego we visited Old Town and Balboa Park. We decided that it wasn't an area we would want to live mainly because if we were going to live in Southern CA it would have to be alot closer to Los Angeles to be involved in any kind of work.

No, Brenda doesn't usually wear the hat - just a goofy moment!
La Jolla Beach - evidence of real vampires.
In San Diego's Balboa Park Christine caught a rainbow, and Trace blew his top! The traffic shook him up!
After our few nights staying in La Jolla we went back to LA where we had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with Brenda and her friends at Shawna and Marks home. Trace saved the day as we just happened to have a turkey pan in the car. What kind of man carries a turkey pan in his car? Ask Trace! Someone with a lot of things cooken! Trace.
November 23, 2006 Thanksgiving Day in Los Angeles
Christine made friends with the family pet that also doubled as a bracelet.
The turkey pan that saved the day.
Shawna cooked a beautiful bird, and it was her 1st time!
John & Melanie (another friend from Regent) with their two kids Karly and Kiki, Mark and Shawna with their four kids (I have to get all the names), Brenda, Susan, Trace and Christine (taking the picture)